How to Clean and Maintain Your Gutters

Gutter Maintenance

A big part of protecting your home and keeping it in proper working order is to make sure your gutters are regularly cleaned and well maintained. Keeping your gutters free of debris helps to ensure your home keeps being watertight and resistant to seepage.

Why Clean Gutters are Important

Your home is a place where you can go to get away from the demands of the outside world. It should be well-maintained and prevent you from worrying. Not cleaning out your gutters can mean buildups of debris that will cause water to overflow and also create a perfect breeding ground for termites and other pests. But a clean, presentable gutter not only performs its job well, but gives your house a homelike appearance.

Do It Yourself?

Keeping your gutters in good working order isn’t a complicated process, but it sure is a time consuming one. Rather than get all the right tools and equipment you may need, as well as cleaning supplies and trash bags, a lot of homeowners find it more convenient and cost-effective to hire a professional. However, if that’s not for you, or you want to do the regular maintenance yourself, have no fear. It may seem like a daunting task, but armed with the right knowledge and tools, anyone can do it.

Choose the Right Tools for the Job

In addition to some protective gear, which need be only some old clothing and gardening gloves, you’ll need a trowel or small shovel to move the bigger pieces of debris, as well as a bucket or trash bag in which to put it. In addition, you might want to get a nozzle attachment for your hose to knock away any of the smaller pieces of grit.

Get Set Up

In order to reach the gutter you want to clean, you’ll probably need a sturdy ladder you can place on level ground. Next, spread a tarp or canvas sheet over the ground beneath where you are working to catch any falling debris.

Get To It!

Once you are all set up, just climb that ladder and start pointing the nozzle on the hose wherever you want to knock loose some debris. Again, it may take some time but soon you will start to see some of the progress you’re making.

One of the biggest responsibilities that goes hand in hand with owning a home of your own is making sure the gutters are well kept. Whether you clean them after every rainfall or it is a once a year thing for you, it can make a dramatic difference in how well your home is protected from things like water damage and playing host to the most unpleasant of pests. Even if you can’t make the time yourself, it is a very important chore that must be taken care of.

How to Clean and Maintain Your Gutters

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