Understanding The Different Types of Roof Designs

Understanding The Different Types of Roof DesignsHomes with different roof styles

The roof is an important part of your house’s structure. It provides protection for you, your family, and your possessions. But your roof provides more than just protection. The roof plays a large part in the overall look and visual appeal of a house. Some styles provide extra living or storage space. Some designs are stronger than others and some are just easier to work on.

Knowing the different styles of roofs and their positive and negative features can help you design your own house or make better choices when buying a house. Below are a few different common designs of roofs and reasons why you may or may not want that style.

Styles and Designs of House Roofs

1. Gable Roof

Gables roofs are formed by two equal panels rising from two outside walls. The two panels meet and form a ridge at the top. From the side of the house, the roof forms a triangular shape. Gable style of roofs are also referred to as a pitched roof. These roofs can be built with various pitches. The steeper the pitch, the easier rain and snow will drain off of your house. Also, steeper pitched roofs will provide more living or storage space in the attic. The simplistic design of a gable roof makes them easy and inexpensive to construct, but roofing materials can be easily blown off in high wind areas. They must be adequately secured to the home’s framing to keep high winds from lifting them off of the house.

2. Hip Roof

Gable roofs have panels extending up from two sides of the house; hip roofs have panels extending up from all four sides of the house. Two of the panels meet at the top to form a ridge and the other two are attached at the ends of that ridge. The inward sloping of all four sides makes the hip roof stronger than a gable roof. They are a great choice for high wind and snowy areas. With the right pitch, extra space can be created for a living area in the attic.The more complex design makes them more expensive to build than a gable roof. More building materials are required and the roof is more difficult to build.

3. Pyramid Roof

Pyramid roofs are like the above described hip roof. But instead of having a ridge at the top, all four sides come together at the top to form a point. Pyramid roofs are exceptionally resistant to strong winds. This feature makes them a good choice for hurricane prone areas.

4. Dome Design

A dome roof looks like a bowl turned upside down on your house. They definitely will give your home a unique look. They are highly durable, but expensive to have built.

5. Flat Roof

Flat roofs are just that, they are flat. You may not notice it, but most flat roofs do have a pitch so water will run off and not puddle. Flat roofs are more susceptible to leaks leading to more maintenance time, repairs, and cost. They are not recommended for areas with heavy rain and snow fall. Some homeowners like flat roofs because it gives them an extra outdoor living space to sit and entertain. If this is your plan, make sure the construction materials will hold up under such use. A parapet wall would also be a good safety addition. Flat roofs also provide a space for HVAC units to be placed off the ground and out of sight. Here again, the roofing structure has to be able to handle the extra weight.

Roofs That Fit the House’s Floor Plan

Combinations of roof types can be constructed to fit the floor plan of your house. Some roofing structures are very complex. Remember, the more complex the roof, the more expensive it will be to build and probably more expensive to maintain.

Understanding The Different Types of Roof Designs

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